Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2019

Abschweifung: Schablonen und so.

Aaach, nichts großes!

Aber ich höre gerade wieder einmal Boris Tischtschenkos Harfenkonzert, und ich bin einfach der Meinung, dass der erste Satz ne wunderbar unkonventionelle Form hat. Es ist ein Harfen-Konzert, aber es beginnt mit einem ausgedehnten Klarinettensolo, mit ganz kurzen Einwürfen vom Klavier. Und der Aufbau ist sooo langsam.

Dann musste ich daran denken, wie sehr ich es hasse, wenn Konzerte (v.a. Konzerte, aber natürlich generell alle anderen dreisätzigen Werke) einem Muster schnell-langsam-schnell oder langsam-schnell-langsam folgen. Gah. Es wird, bevor überhaupt ein Ton geschrieben wurde, eine Schablone über alles drübergelegt. Und es ist eine binäre Schablone: Langsame Musik klingt so und schnelle Musik klingt so.

Und wenn ich schon beim Abschweifen bin: Diese Schablone kann zu ganz eigenartigen Verhältnissen führen, wenn nämlich eine Komponist*in dazu neigt, eigentlich extrem langsame Musik zu schreiben. Dann gibt es zwar viele Noten in kurzer Zeit, aber das melodische/harmonische Tempo ist erst recht langsam, vllt sogar noch langsamer als im "schnellen" Satz.

Tja. Ich muss öfter mal random Gedanken bloggen, vielleicht? Hemmschwelle verringern und so.

Montag, 13. Mai 2019

The Bible According to Google Translate - Genesis 2, 1-7

The story so far:

The Ten Commandments
Genesis 1, 1-5
Genesis 1, 6-10
Genesis 1, 11-19
Genesis 1, 20-25
Genesis 1, 26-31

Based on Genesis 2, 1-7:

So the heavens and the earth were changed. These days, the son is not the owner.

On the seventh day, the Lord will end his work. Never make the sun.

Keep blessing for three days and keep everything you own.

God created the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the earth and the heavens and the earth.

There is no rain without rain.

There are six locations in the world. God took the land, and it was very rocky.

And God made the earth forever.


Right at the beginning of the second chapter, appropriately, there are big changes. Ownership is taken of the son (who apparently had it before... the writing was a bit vague on that).

Plot twist. Will the sun actually get created yet? Or does God just procrastinate a bit? Anyway, we get some advice on what to do in the meantime. Don't sell stuff.

It gets a bit repetitive after that. But I suppose, there is some mystical meaning behind it. After all, it's a very well documented historical fact that the number three is God´s favourite. And there is more wisdom to come, because we are revealed the truth about rain.

Since God created heaven and earth three times, it makes a lot of sense for there to be six places in the world. Three earths, and three heavens. Or three sets of heavens, because don't forget about the plural. Wait - now that I think about it a little bit longer: This is about directions! Up, down, forwards, backwards, left, right. And three of them are rocky ground, and the other three are heavenly. And all that for eternity, yay!


I don't know if I continue regular updates on this silly book. ;-)

Samstag, 11. Mai 2019

Toxic Debate Culture

 (This was originally posted on my facebook wall in march 2018.)

Toxic debate culture:

When you think that if a person cannot articulate their position, they have lost and that makes you right.

When you think that if a person cannot defend their position, they have lost and that makes you right.

When you think that if a person refuses to debate you, they do so because they cannot defend their position, and so they have lost and that makes you right.

When you think that if your opponent shows any kind of emotional response to what you have said, they are obviously not reasonable, and thus have lost ... and that makes you right, of course.

When you think that all questions are up for debate, regardless of either you or the other person having any expertise on the subject.

When you think that you have a right to debate anyone that disagrees with anything you say.

When you try to make as many controversial statements as possible - just because you like peoples emotional reactions to them.

When you get so infatuated with being technically correct that you spend most of your time defending bigots because someone makes slightly incorrect assumptions about their views.

When you admire people just for their skill of winning against your opponents, but not for what they actually say, teach, or do.


I feel like I could re-post this every year. It is such a common pattern online, especially from anti-feminists. I'm getting better at countering those strategies, though. "Why do you think you are qualified for this debate?" has worked pretty well (okay, I only tested it once so far).

Why? Because it hits their ego.

Those kind of guys (well, it's almost always guys, although I'm sure there are plenty toxic "debaters" of other genders out there) believe that they are rational, quasi immune to bias, and for them to acknowledge that they might actually need to educate themselves is too frustrating. Because debating is fun, and researching is not.

I get that. I loved debating, and still do, when it's about topics that have no real-life consequence for people around me. However, I do no longer feel the need to point out why your argument for the existance of gods is wrong... because there are *so many* more important things to worry about. Like, literal apocalypse within this century. Rise of fascism. Or whether this fucking dress is blue or gold. Okay, not the last one. But seriously, I'd rather have a good time with a hardcore christian who also happens to be a genuinely good ally to marginalized people than a "rational" dude whose opinion of equality is that other people can have it, but only if he never has to lift a finger to actually promote it.

Well, this has kind of turned into another rant... I'm writing this now because another man I once looked up to has been consistently more shitty and I have to do something with my disappointment. Like, thanks for teaching me skepticism when I was an esoteric weirdo and needed this lesson, but ... I'm gonna move on, I guess. So long, and thanks for all the ghoti.