Mittwoch, 18. April 2018

Music by Delphimė

This post will contain a somewhat organized list of my music that can be found on the internet.

~ ẞ ~

Instrumental Music

Piano Music

If I have to categorize my piano music, I feel like I have to draw a line that very much resembles the common division between music for entertainment and art music - which I resent, but since my late teenage years, there has been a constantly widening gap between the pieces I consider a serious attempt at creating something new (for me) and those that follow a neo-romantic or neo-classical approach. Mind that the latter is still very much informed by composers of the modern era - Bartók, Debussy, Stravinsky, ...

Darker Piano Music

Early Pieces

Fantasy Music

I lump everything together under this label that is neo-classical, neo-romantic, film-music-like, listener-friendly (ugh, which listener though?), etc.

Youtube-Playlist Fantasy Music
This list should contain every piece in this category I uploaded on youtube, and will be updated regularly.

Gunnerkrigg Chords (2012 - ongoing)
These pieces are a musical hommage to the wonderful webcomic Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell. If you haven't read this one, you should!

Note that most of the time, I do not really plan on what specific element of the comic a new piece refers to - I compose first and then decide on a title afterward. Despite this, I think at least in some cases, I captured the mood of the comic to my own satisfaction. Well, my mood reading the comic, anyway.

From a musical standpoint, this series is an experiment in how many individual pieces I can create derived from the same basic elements - eventually deriving from the derivations, and so on, until I am somewhere completely different than where I started.

Diary Entries

These pieces are written intentionally sketch-like, without any indications on tempo or dynamics, and without any indication on how long an individual note is supposed to last. If played as written, they can sound monotonous (which I like for the most part) but there is also plenty of room for different interpretations.

All of these pieces have in common that they are written on a single day - hence the name "diary entries" - although sometimes with later additions and usually some minor changes.

I am experimenting with finding a middle ground between composition and improvisation - while there are some "standard-interpretations" in which I play a piece relatively straight as it's written, they are also intended as a basis for free improvisation.

Diary Entries / Tagebucheinträge # (2015 - ongoing)
In this playlist, I collect all interpretations, whether they are standard or free improvisations. Because it is notoriously hard to find titles for improvisations or individual interpretations, I decided to use some sort of strange code. Note that standard interpretations will usually start with the letter ⱷ. Other than that, it's just going by my own aesthetic instinct. ;-)

TE #1 (2015)

I remember the idea of lines, lines moving through each other, as the core inspiration for this first piece. I wrote it just a few days after my last composition lesson at the end of the semester. (proof again that I work best when left alone )

TE #1 A . »ӽ , TE #1 A . ʎ₪ (2018)
Very free improvisations on the first page of the first piece in the series. Part A is probably the best suited for improvisation (so far), and I'm getting better at divorcing myself from the notated music.

TE #2 (2015)

Experiment in continuing the 'lines' idea of the first entry while using a latgalian folk tune. Originally wasn't meant to be a stand-alone piece. No recording yet - it's not quite so easy to play.

TE #3 (2016)

I wrote #3 shortly before I came out as bi*, and have since associated the central part of the piece with a gesture of opening up and the struggle to get there.

TE #3 . Ʌ (2016)
An early standard-interpretation of the third piece, from when I was barely able to play it.

TE #4 (2017)

This piece was written on the day of the Austrian general election, just after I had gone to vote, but before any results came: Trying to capture a specific moment of political uncertainty, and what the result could mean for me.

TE #4 . ⱷϞϫҁ (2018)
A standard-interpretation.

TE #5 (2017)

Written just before christmas, this piece has a peaceful feel to it - although I really don't tend to feel particularly peaceful at this time of the year.

A standard-interpretation.

Other Improvisations

Improvisation 13B (2013)
This is sort of the prelude to the next piece, 13C. It is, as far as I can see, one of my best improvisations.

Improvisation 13C (2013)
This one has a special place in my heart.
It follows a repetitive pattern that is very Ustvolskayan in nature, but it has a lot of tempo changes that were characteristical for a lot of my piano music especially of my late teenage years. One day, I will transcribe this piece - but I doubt I will be able to figure out all the different tempi, so it will probably remain somewhat flexible and improvisation-like anyway.

Improvisation 1802 - March (2018)
This is mostly a dark, cynical piece, but with some hope shining through towards the end. Marches are by nature military music, and this one is particularly violent, but I like the possibilities of a strong contrast, which makes the softer parts even more urgent.

MIDI Music

Omriwg (2009/2010)

the General Midi Random Instruments Sequence (2014/2015)


Electroacoustic Music

Noise / Modified Recordings

Hel (2015) ~ 
Germanic goddess of the underworld. Also, depressive hellspace. Dystopian noise piece made from a piano/voice improvisation recorded with the wrong microphone setting. A piece that happened by accident, but is, in my opinion, genuinely one of the best things I made in 2015.

Algorithmic Music

Sometimes when I feel like I want to dabble into the field of algorithmical composition, I go and continue working on my program AlgoLine which still does not do the one simple task I originally wanted to write it for, but instead does lots of other things, like generating a million notes of MIDI and playing them along with a graphical interface that lets you see roughly what was going on in the algorithm. Well, in theory, at least - as those things get complexer, the visual representation is more just for show.

Early Results

Sinope Algorithm

Newer Stuff

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